Ruby – Birthstone for July

Ruby gemstone is the birthstone for July and is considered symbolic of harmony, peace and nobility Continue reading Ruby – Birthstone for July
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Ruby gemstone is the birthstone for July and is considered symbolic of harmony, peace and nobility Continue reading Ruby – Birthstone for July
Ruby gemstone is the birthstone for July and is considered symbolic of harmony, peace and nobility Continue reading Buying a Ruby – July Birthstone? What you should know first!
It is said that St. Valentine wore an amethyst ring carved in the likeness of Cupid. Continue reading Amethyst the Birthstone for February
In a meeting with Nelson Mandela she wore a Zebra pin, and to celebrate her appointment as Secretary of State – an Eagle pin Continue reading Jewelry and Politics book “Read my Pins”
Brief History of Lace and Lace Making This brief history of lace and lace making goes back several centuries but this is a very brief outline. However, we do not have a definite date as to when lace originated in Continue reading Brief History of Lace and Lace Making
Benitoite is now considered to be a rare gem and the mine in San Benito county has been closed since 2005 Continue reading State Gemstone for California