October Birthdays

Raw Opal gemstone

Please note this post may contain affiliate links and ads, read my full disclosure here October birthdays can choose a couple of different October Birthstones October birthdays can choose a couple of different October birthstones, whether you prefer the modern Continue reading October Birthdays

Peridot a cosmic birthstone for August birthdays

Peridot, August Birthstone

Peridot a cosmic birthstone for August birthdays. Peridot is the birthstone for August birthdays and also the 15th anniversary stone. It is also my birthstone which is probably why I love it so much! The birthstone poem for August can Continue reading Peridot a cosmic birthstone for August birthdays

Pearls the birthstone for June

June Birthstone

most of the pearls we find on the market nowadays are cultured pearls, they combine the beauty of the pearl with a helping hand from man to create a beautiful organic gem in a myriad of different shapes and colors. Continue reading Pearls the birthstone for June

Garnet the January Birthstone – History and Folklore

Garnet the January Birthstone - History and Folklore

Garnet the January Birthstone Garnet the January birthstone, is also associated with the 2nd and 18th anniversary, so would make a very nice jewelry gift without being too expensive for anyone on a budget.. The name “Garnet” actually means “Pomegranite”, Continue reading Garnet the January Birthstone – History and Folklore

November birthstone choose Topaz or Citrine?

November Birthstones

November birthstone can choose Topaz or Citrine? November birthstone choose Topaz or Citrine? It just depends whether you prefer modern vs traditional. Topaz gemstone is traditionally associated with November birthdays, and comes in a beautiful golden color. However, the modern Continue reading November birthstone choose Topaz or Citrine?